We understand that you have great responsibility as a plan sponsor, and our goal is to partner with you to minimize your fiduciary risk. We act as an investment co-fiduciary for each client and offer robust fiduciary training to help you document your processes with a goal of meeting your fiduciary obligations. With our ongoing fiduciary education and fiduciary assistance, we help our clients remain organized and in compliance with ERISA.

Receive personalized support from specialists in the industry.




Looking to educate yourself on the responsibilities of being a fiduciary? Take advantage of the modules below to strengthen your knowledge in various areas of fiduciary obligations and responsibilities.

Education Module 1: Fiduciary Education
Education Module 2: Fiduciary Duties
Education Module 3: Fiduciary Liabilities
Education Module 4: Record Retention
Education Module 5: Safe Harbor Designs
Education Module 6: 404(c) Fiduciary Protection
Education Module 7: Fiduciary Pitfalls

Education Module 8: Late Contributions
Education Module 9: Exclusion of Eligible Employees
Education Module 10: Loan Corrections
Education Module 11: Employer Stock
Education Module 12: Mergers & Acquisitions
Education Module 13: CARES Act
Education Module 14: DOL Tips for Selecting TDF's

Provide Your Team With the Right Resources for Retirement.